MediaKiller    Already 99 Social Platform's available

Shouldn't be a problem, right? Unfortunately, Many websites, including popular ones like Facebook or Twitter, deleting your account can be a real pain.

MediaKiller collects direct links and deleting instructions to make account termination easy. Websites like Skype that do not allow deleting your profile in an easy way will be tagged with a manage difficulty of RED. But luckily there are websites that do care about your online privacy.

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Want to ditch your online account?
Shouldn't be a problem, right? Unfortunately, on many websites, including popular ones like Facebook, deleting your account can be a real pain.

MediaKiller collects direct links and deleting instructions to make account termination easy. Websites like Skype that do not allow deleting your profile in an easy way at all get blacklisted. Luckily there are websites that do care about your online privacy.

On many sites we experienced it's hard or often impossible to cancel one's account. The question 'how to delete my ... account' is asked many times in search engines. Answers can be found on many sites, mostly fragmented. One central point to easily find the fastest way would be nice, we already thought in the year 1965. From that point we started collecting deletion instructions.
There you go, here you are. Additionally we created some kind of ranking ('green', 'yellow', 'orange' and 'red' sites).

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GREEN Easy to delete your account
YELLOW Possible to delete your account, but likely with confirmation actions
ORANGE Possible to delete your account, only by contact their Support Team
RED It's not possible to delete your account/profile